Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm taking you down, April.

So.....many of you may have wondered where I've been for the past month. And, by "many" I mean the two of you besides my mom and me. And yes, I do have my reasons for being so slackerish about updating this (I've been to hell the States and back), but I also don't have enough reason that will make up for the whole month. Slap me. It's my blog, I'll do what I want with it.

But....at the same time, I'm sorry. A month is a long time to go without updating you guys on the happenings here. And I plan to make it up to you all. How, you ask?? Well, it's this little thing called BEDA...Blog Ever Day April. Now, since I don't have a camera (booohooo), I can't vlog the month of April away. I wish I could. I'd love to. I want to vlog, but I don't have a video camera, or even a camera for that matter. So I'm going to participate in the Blog Every Day April event. 30 days. 30 blogs updates. One a day. NO guarantee on it being something profound every day (me? profound? What????). Maybe you'll just get a joke or something (What do you call a constipated German? "farfrompoopin." (It only works if you say it out loud.)) Anywho!
Another question you might have: How in the world do you plan on updating this once a day for 30 days when you didn't write a single thing for the 30 days of March?
Well, to be more than honest, I have no idea. But I'm giving it a try. It's going to take about a case of Fanta Fresa and a few bags of Choco Bites.

Wait...what did he just call those? Choco Bites? Really? Oh, the Mexicans and their clever names. First of all, there is no such things as Chips Ahoy! here...so these Choco Bites (hahaha) are free reign to take over. But how can they? Well, I'll tell you. As you can see from the picture, they've got two obvious things going for them. As mentioned before, the name. Who wouldn't want to buy something called Choco Bites?? That fills me up with butterflies just thinking about it. Let's go buy some! Heck, they could call them "Ahoy! These chips are edible!" or "Chips inside this package are Ahoying! at you!" I'd feel equally tempted to buy them. Second...the Scooby-Doo advertisement on the front. I'm curious who turned them down for being placed on the front? How'd you end up settling on Scooby? I want to sit through the meeting where some guy ha to pitch the idea of Scooby on the front and making it sound like a great financial idea. Maybe it's their plea to reach out to the kids...but last time I checked, he was always get him and his friends in trouble. And I can't say I've ever seen him surf. Nor do I wish for that day to arrive.

And, a couple stories from church. Hmmm, well, the first I guess would be the pastor who gave the majority of the sermon...wearing sunglasses. Oh, and did I mention this was at the evening church??? Well beyond dark? Yeah. That definitely made me laugh. He was a good guy though. But the guy sitting behind us? Not so much. He's the one who decided that he needed to answer his phone in the middle of church. And stand in the corner, yelling into his phone? "What was that? I can't hear you!" "Hey, buddy, come over here, I'll tell you what he said, cause I can hear him from over here!" Kelcie Deborah and I were sitting next to each other, and we just turn around, see the guy, look at each other, and laugh. It was rather funny. And, just yesterday, again, Kelcie and I sitting together upstairs, and church is almost over. This little girl, say, like 12, 13 maybe, comes up the stairs walking straight toward us. Her seat is the row behind us. So, what does she decide is the best plan of attack? From the top of the stairs to her row, she pulls off a wicked chicken-head-bobble-thingy. I don't konw the correct terminology on this, but whatever you call that thing that fowl do, chickens, turkeys, like when they peck at things, bobbing their head back and forth in rapid motion. And we deprived human beings, for reasons unknown, imitate it. Well, that's what she did for for about 7 rows of people. I thought maybe something was wrong...but then she just stopped and sat down behind us. One question? What could possibly be going through someone's mind that says that's a good idea? And I thought I epically failed at looking normal.

And last but not least, the story of my awesome neighbor. His name is Edgardo, and he's the pastor's son (NOT the sunglass-wearing pastor). Anywho, a couple weeks ago, I'm sitting in my trailer, have my Bible open in front of me doing my devotions, enjoying life. Edgardo comes over, knocks on my door. I open, and he hands me a soccer jersey FTW! That was exciting, cause he had a matching one, so we could be all buddy-buddy on the soccer field. I thank him, and he goes back to his trailer. Like two minutes later, I hear him yell "Neighbor!" And I proceed to open my door to see him standing there with a bag of hot, fresh, popcorn. He follows that up with, "Reading the Bible is a wonderful thing, but reading the Bible with a bag of popcorn is even better. Here you go." Score one for Edgardo! He can definitely be my neighbor for eternity.

And...I did have some pictures to upload with this post...but they're not on my computer yet. But, hey how many days do I have to show pictures to you guys? 30! Blog April Blogfest. I'm tempted to do it Brotherhood 2.0 style...which, if you don't know, is when I screw up and miss a day of blog updates, you leave comments of some sort giving me something to do as punishment. Then I record myself doing said punishment, and share it with all you. So...we'll see how that goes. If you're for that, say so. If not, say so. That's what the comments are for. Right? Right. Freedom. Democracy. All that good stuff. As for now, I'm out. I'll see you all soon! :)

April, I'll see you on Wednesday. Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. hmm the night with the guy in sun glasses and the weirdo who was yelling into his phone facing the wall was without a doubt the night I went to church with you, and kelcie was at work.. wow, i might just be a bit hurt.. again, circle of trust................... then me, in another continent -_-
