Thursday, April 23, 2009

BEDA - April 23rd

Since today, Thursday, is one of those days where I don't have a single thing to say, I'll share this YouTube video with you. Yes, I know, it's YouTube, blah, blah, blah. But this one is rather intriguing. More so than the rest of YT's greatest hits.

First things, first. Yes, the song, in itself, is not my type of music. Far from it. Actually, I don't really like the song at all. But, as you watch it, you'll know it's not really about how good the music is. It's about how the music was written.
Ever heard of the Fibonacci Sequence?? It's a mathematical term, describing the sequence of a certain set of numbers. It's hard to explain, so I'll let the video do the talking.
Yes, it's a long video...but you'll soon realize that's intentional...and really, within the first minute, I was hooked. You'll enjoy it. Just stick it out, and learn a little something. As opposed to all other days....

1 comment:

  1. There is a poetry form based on the sequence as well.
    They take considerably less than 9 minutes to read, though perhaps longer to write.
